Trinseo | Trinseo Joins Apple’s Supplier Clean Energy Initiative
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Thought Leadership

June 18, 2021

Trinseo Joins Apple’s Supplier Clean Energy Initiative

Trinseo recently enrolled in Apple’s Supplier Clean Energy Program, along with other suppliers who pledged to manufacture resins powering Apple products with 100 percent renewable energy in the future. Trinseo wants to be more than a resin supplier and is working together with partners across the value chain to develop solutions to their challenges, such as ways to mitigate climate change.

Taking part in this initiative is in line with Trinseo’s 2030 Sustainability Goals - 15 long-term goals grouped within five main categories that target climate change, sustainable product portfolio, supplier responsibility, responsible operations, and sustainable workforce. By committing to Apple’s Supplier Clean Energy Program, Trinseo is taking concrete steps towards meeting its goals related to climate change: compared to 2017, the Company aims to reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gases by 20% and increase the share of electricity from non-fossil sources to 30% by 2030.