Corporate News

Noveomber 1, 2023
Trinseo + COMMUNITY - Helping Promote Waste Management & Recycling from a Young Age

Let’s Do Recycling! Program in Indonesia Fosters Awareness

As an extension of its previous art classes utilizing polystyrene waste, Trinseo’s Let’s Do Recycling! Program (LDR!P) has continued its work on providing education on the importance of sustainable management of plastic wastes. Supported by South Tangerang City Education and Culture Agency as well as the South Tangerang City Environmental Agency, this new initiative seeks to create an environment that is clean, healthy and free from unmanaged plastic wastes that potentially pollute the environment. The initiative kicked off with a seminar, "The Role of Education in Fostering Awareness of Waste Management and Recycling from a Young Age", which was held at Putra Pertiwi School, South Tangerang, Indonesia on September 2, 2023. With opening remarks by the South Tangerang City Education and Culture Agency and then the South Tangerang City Environmental Agency, the seminar was attended by school principals and students from 20 different schools in South Tangerang City. Other schools were invited to join as well to help educate young people about waste management.

image of employees at event
(from left) Dr. Novianty Elizabeth, Director of Putra Pertiwi School; Hanggara Sukandar, Trinseo’s President Director cum Director of Environment & Sustainability Affairs, Responsible Care® Indonesia; Odji Restanto, A.MD., Section Head of Partnership and Community Empowerment, South Tangerang Environmental Agency; Mrs. Ismuniati, South Tangerang Waste Activist

“Educational programs like this are very good for fostering responsibility and attention for environmental sustainability. The fact is that our natural conditions are not going well now, so awareness regarding waste management needs to continue to be instilled through character building," explained Deden Deni, Head of the South Tangerang City Education and Culture Agency.

Expressing concerns, the Environmental Agency representative also indicated that the City of South Tangerang is currently facing a waste problem which is quite worrying. “Especially problems upstream, which can come from households, schools, workplaces, markets, and so on. If not properly managed, the waste can certainly cause environmental pollution which has an impact on the surrounding community. Therefore, education is very necessary first for ourselves, and of course for our students,” said Odji Restanto, Head of the Partnership and Community Empowerment Department.

Dr. Novianty Elizabeth Ayuna, Director of Putra Pertiwi School and an educational practitioner, explained, "As an educational institution, we are committed to including learning about the environment and waste management into our curriculum from an early age. We believe that education is the key to forming a generation that cares about the environment and has sufficient knowledge to take positive action to manage and recycle waste. Educational activities are not meant to be one-off. Education is a series of activities that are continuously repeated and carried out, even for decades. Thus, all walks of life should be involved in the process to achieve the desired goals."

Ismuniati, waste activist, also remarked that education regarding waste management and recycling could not stop and needed to be carried out continuously. Even though waste management activities can create results economically, the main efforts in instilling awareness of waste management and recycling should be based on the willingness in creating a clean and healthy environment.

"This is our ongoing effort to enhance public understanding and awareness about waste and recycling management," said Hanggara Sukandar, Trinseo’s President Director cum Director of Environment & Sustainability Affairs, Responsible Care® Indonesia. "We believe that education is the key to achieving positive changes in people's behavior and mindset regarding plastic waste."

Since its launch in 2019, LDR!P has become an important agent of change, putting efforts in enhancing the awareness and action of the management and recycling of plastic wastes in Indonesia. LDR!P is a genuine example of collaboration among various stakeholders, namely, the private sector, government, community, media, and educational institutions.

Find out more by clicking here (Bahasa Indonesian only) for a video highlighting the event.