Ultra UV Resistance

Ultra UV Resistance
PMMA Ultra UV Resistance - ALTUGLAS™ Acrylic Resins

ALTUGLAS™ PMMA is largely known for its intrinsic UV resistance. This means our resins can be exposed to harsh environments without deteriorating. However, for applications where PMMA needs to protect other materials like colored PVC or ABS from UV rays, UV-blocking PMMA is required. To meet the needs of these markets and applications, Trinseo has developed a specific UV Protection (UVP) range. These resins have been designed for extrusion processing. They feature greater UV resistance and are mainly used for capstock applications such as windows profiles, gutters, paddle boards, caravans, electric cars, roofing and decking.

ALTUGLAS™ HFI-15 UVP10 grade is proven to completely block UV rays down to a thickness of 150 microns, which helps to protect ABS and PVC substrates from UV damage.

This grade is proven to completely block UV rays down to a thickness of 400 microns, which helps to protect ABS and PVC substrates from UV damage.

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