Our 2030 Sustainability Goals

Sustainability is at the core of our strategy. By investing in innovation and building a network of like-minded value chain partners and organizations, we are accelerating toward a more sustainable future.

Our 15 Sustainability Goals align our priorities under five categories: Climate Change, Responsible Operations, Supplier Responsibilities, Sustainable Product Portfolio, and Sustainable Workforce. These goals empower us to deliver groundbreaking, sustainable options that spark inspiration for solving legacy challenges, all while focusing on making our communities better places to live and work.

Our ambitious and measurable long-term goals were created, in part, from a critical assessment of our Company’s capabilities as well as valuable feedback from customers and suppliers. They reflect not only our aspirations today, but also our business strategy in the years ahead.

Our Sustainability Strategy

Our Sustainability Goals drive us to deliver materials solutions that lessen our environmental impact. We continue to advance our sustainability efforts in the areas of climate change, product innovation, circularity, diversity, and more to differentiate ourselves in the market through our sustainability commitments.
Our Climate Change Goals

Goal 1:

By 2035, reduce by 35% Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions intensity (2017 base year)

  • With progress milestones of 10% reduction by 2025 and 20% reduction by 2030

Goal 2:

By 2030, increase the share of electricity from non-fossil sources from 5% to 30% (2017 base year)

  • Achieving this goal also would result in an approximately 7% reduction of Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions
  • Non-fossil sources refer to nuclear and renewable sources, such as solar, hydraulic, wind, and tide

Goal 3:

By 2025, establish a management system for Scope 3 emissions, and begin reporting and tracking Scope 3 emissions
Top of trees in a forest
Sustainable Product Portfolio
yogurt cup

Goal 4:

By 2025, 30% of Trinseo’ technology and innovation/R&D efforts will be aimed at circular economy solutions

Goal 5:

By 2030, 40% of Trinseo’s products will be sustainably advantaged

  • Where ‘sustainably advantaged’ is defined as products that have recycled, renewable or degradable content contributing to a circular economy model, reduced/eliminated raw material substances of concern, or contribute to GHG emission reduction or material intensity reduction
  • Trinseo will achieve this goal without compromising on its plan to reduce asset footprint CO emissions or the commitment to using safer ingredients in new product development

Goal 6:

By 2030, 50% of Trinseo products are used in applications that align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Supplier Responsibility

Goal 7:

By 2025, implement a Sustainability/CSR Due Diligence program for new key suppliers as an addition to the existing supplier onboarding process

Goal 8:

By 2030, 80% of our existing suppliers with a recurring spend of >$100K are assessed and demonstrated to be compliant with our sustainability requirements
Responsible Operations

Goal 9:

By 2030, reduce freshwater intake by 20%

Goal 10:

By 2030, reduce overall waste generation by 15%

Goal 11:

By 2030, reduce waste disposal to landfill to zero

Goal 12:

By 2030, all pellet-handling sites achieve zero pellet loss to the environment through Operation Clean Sweep®
Sustainable Workforce

Goal 13:

By 2030, have 40% of management positions filled by women globally and increase the number of roles filled by underrepresented ethnic groups in the U.S.

Goal 14:

By 2030, achieve one or more years where the voluntary turnover rate for women is equal to or less than the global turnover rate.

Goal 15:

By 2030, achieve one or more years of zero recordable injuries for employees and contractors globally
Overhead shot of four people putting two puzzle pieces together

Goal 16:

Establish talent programs to spotlight, develop and promote women and underrepresented racial and ethnic groups.

Goal 17:

Develop an enterprise-wide strategy to measure, understand and respond to employees' sense of inclusion, belonging and engagement.

Cultivating a Circular Transformation

Trinseo's 2024 Sustainability Report

Cultivating a Circular Transformation (English Version)

Trinseo's 2024 Core Impact Report

Cultivating a Circular Transformation (Chinese Version)

Trinseo's 2024 Core Impact Report

Ready for a sustainable partnership?

From design to manufacturing, we’ll work hand in hand with you to deliver customized sustainable solutions unique to the needs of your company and customers.

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