APINAT™ BIO Biodegradable TPC Compounds

APINAT™ BIO Biodegradable TPC Compounds
APINAT™ BIO is a range of biodegradable thermoplastic bioplastics that enable the manufacture of totally biodegradable rigid-soft applications.

APINAT™ BIO Biodegradable TPC Compounds conform to the EN 13432 standard and they are the only soft biodegradable bioplastics available on the market with an international patent. These compounds include soft and rigid grades, and we additionally offer special food contact approved grades with the “Ok Compost” certification of compostability.

APINAT™ BIO were the first biodegradable compounds that we developed following our Bio & Beyond strategy. Our aim was, and remains, to reproduce our current soft-touch products in bio-based and biodegradable versions.

The main technical characteristics of APINAT™ BIO Biodegradable TPC Compounds are:

  • Rigid grades with hardness in the range of 35–78 ShD and flexural modulus range of 100–3000 MPa
  • Soft grades with hardness in the range of 60–90 ShA and flexural modulus range of 45–110 MPa
  • "OK compost" certification (EN 13432)
  • Food contact approved grades (EU 10/2011, FDA)
  • Highly bio-based
  • Resistance to low temperatures
  • Easy colorability with biodegradable color masterbatches (APICOLOR™ B series)

APINAT™ BIO grades are being used for applications in all common markets and suitable for a wide range of transformation technologies including injection molding, extrusion, extrusion blow molding, rigid-soft overmolding and melt roll molding. Contact our bioplastics experts for more details.

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