Corporate News

December 2, 2024
Product Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle Assessment Data Now Available for Nearly 6,000 Trinseo Products

In today’s market where sustainability is more than just a buzzword, carbon footprint data plays a pivotal role in our customer’s decision making. Through hard work and dedication, Trinseo has established a tool that provides cradle-to-gate Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data for nearly 6,000 Trinseo products, now readily available for our customers.

PCF refers to the carbon footprint data associated with a particular product. On the other hand, LCA is a comprehensive methodology used to assess the environmental impacts of a product beyond PCF, including the use of resource, human health, ecological impacts, and more. Both PCF and LCA are crucial for understanding the environmental impact of products, allowing effective material comparison, enhancing R&D innovations, and ultimately contributing to your sustainability goals.

Trinseo’s PCF and LCA tool follows the TfS guidelines and the latest European Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology, and fully complies with the GHG Protocol and ISO standards 14040, 14044, and 14067. Moving forward, the Company strives to have the tool compliant with the latest regulatory requirements, continuing to support customers in their sustainability journeys.

Please contact your respective Trinseo account representative if you would like to learn more.

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